Department of Mathematics
Lori Ogden
Teaching Assistant Professor, Mathematics

I have designed, implemented, and evaluated a flipped classroom teaching model in my face-to-face college algebra classes. Results from analysis of the first three semesters of its use indicated that the flipped classroom teaching model enabled students to take control of the learning process (Ogden & Shambaugh, in-press). Students perceived the flipped classroom model as student-centered. They felt that having the freedom to ask questions helped them learn because face-to-face class time was devoted to satisfying their needs. One student said, “It [face-to-face time] was dedicated to what you didn’t know, so you learned, it wasn’t a teacher just teaching everything and saying they think you know something you don’t, you have time to ask about what you don’t know” (Ogden, Pyzdrowski, & Shambaugh, 2014, p. 32).

In addition to providing students support in my face-to-face classes, the lecture videos have provided the primary instruction for two iterations (Summer 2014, Spring 2015) of a completely online version of the college algebra course.

I am currently re-designing the video lectures using the light board at WVU’s Teaching and Learning Commons. The light board will give the lectures an updated look and me the opportunity to create innovative and creative lectures that will enhance student learning. The original videos were tailored to my classes and students. The “new” lectures will be generalized for use across a variety of courses and course formats.

Please click here to view my original college algebra videos.