Math 551.01 (old Math 351) Real Variables 1 Instructor K. Chris Ciesielski Office 308G Armstrong Hall Phone 293 2011 Ext. 2337 E-mail Classes meet M,W,F 9:30-10:20 in 313 Armstrong Hall TEXTBOOK: Real Analysis, third edition, H. L. Royden, MacMillan Publishing Company, New York. TENTATIVE Homework 30% GRADING SCHEME: Mid Term Test 30% Comprehensive Final Test 40% Prerequisites: Math 251 (currently 451) Introduction to Real Analysis HOMEWORK will be a very important part of this course. I will be assigning many exercises, especially at the beginning of the course, to keep the constant flow of information of students level of understanding the material. The exercises causing problems will be solved either in class or in the handouts. COVERED MATERIAL I plan to cover first six chapters from the text. This includes Ch. 1: Set Theory; and Ch. 2: The Real Number System which I considered as covered by prerequisite course. Thus, I will try to cover this part relatively fast. (The speed will depend of class homework performance.) Chapters 3-6 (Lebesgue Measure, The Lebesgue Integral, Differentiation and Integration, The Classical Banach Spaces) will constitute the main part of the course. TESTS FORMAT I plan to give you "semi-take-home" exams. (TENTATIVE) I mean by it that few days before I will give you you a set of 5-10 exercises from which I will choose 3-5 exercises for IN CLASS test. You will be NOT ALLOWED to use your notes during the test. Moreover, each test may also contain few theoretical question in form of: - define a notion; - state a given theorem; or - sketch the proof of a given theorem.