% rae.sty for LaTeX2e % Version 4-OCT-94. % Contact Lee Larson (lmlars01@homer.louisville.edu) about bugs. % Identification \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesClass{rae}[1994/10/04] % Bring in the article class \LoadClass[twoside]{article} % Set the page dimensions for the Exchange \setlength{\textheight}{6.75in} \advance\textheight by \topskip \setlength{\textwidth}{4.675in} % These define the parameters from the issueinfo.tex file, if % it exists. \newcommand{\Volume}[1]% {\newsavebox{\volumebox}\sbox{\volumebox}{\scriptsize#1} \let\Volume\relax} \newcommand{\IssueNumber}[1]% {\newsavebox{\issuebox}\sbox{\issuebox}{\scriptsize#1} \let\IssueNumber\relax} \newcommand{\Year}[1]% {\newsavebox{\yearbox}\sbox{\yearbox}{\scriptsize#1} \let\Year\relax} % Stuff to do at the beginning of text insertion. \AtBeginDocument{% % Catch first page number for the header information. \label{firstpage}% % If issueinfo.tex exists, then we're in production mode. So, we % get the issue information from the disk and the starting page % number. The format for issueinfo.tex has three lines % \Volume{20} % \IssueNumber{2} % \Year{1994/5} % with an optional fourth line to set the first page number to nn % \firstpagenumber{nn} \IfFileExists{issueinfo}{\input{issueinfo}\getfirstpage}{\null} % Fill in the information at the bottom of the page for key words, % Math Reviews classification and the date received by the % editors. If any of the information macros is not there, then %that one is left out. \ifx\nnull\key@words% \else \insert\footins{\footnotesize \fnstrut Key Words: \key@words\fnstrut} \fi \ifx\nnull\math@reviews% \else \insert\footins{\footnotesize \fnstrut Mathematical Reviews subject classification: \math@reviews \fnstrut} \fi \ifx\date@received\nnull \else \insert\footins{\footnotesize \fnstrut Received by the editors \date@received\fnstrut} \fi % Blow out macros which are no longer needed. \let\getfirstpage\relax \let\firstpagenumber\relax \let\nnull\relax } % Catch the last page number in the aux file for use in the % journal header. \AtEndDocument{\label{lastpage}} % Here is the information supplied in the header which is not % part of the normal LaTeX topmatter. \newcommand{\nnull}{\null} %For use with \ifx. \newcommand{\fnstrut}{\rule{0pt}{\footnotesep}} % Separate notes % \newcommand{\keywords}[1]{\renewcommand{\key@words}{#1}} \newcommand{\key@words}{\null} % \newcommand{\MathReviews}[1]{\renewcommand{\math@reviews}{#1}} \newcommand{\math@reviews}{\null} % \def\received#1{\renewcommand{\date@received}{#1}} \newcommand{\date@received}{\null} % Code to patch the myheadings option to sc instead of it. \def\ps@myheadings{% \let\@oddfoot\@empty\let\@evenfoot\@empty \def\@evenhead{\thepage\hfil\scshape\leftmark}% \def\@oddhead{{\scshape\rightmark}\hfil\thepage}% \let\@mkboth\@gobbletwo \let\sectionmark\@gobble \let\subsectionmark\@gobble } % Code to patch \maketitle from article.cls. \renewcommand\maketitle{\par \begingroup \renewcommand\thefootnote{\fnsymbol{footnote}}% \def\@makefnmark{\hbox to\z@{$\m@th^{\@thefnmark}$\hss}}% \long\def\@makefntext##1{\parindent 1em\noindent \hbox to1.8em{\hss$\m@th^{\@thefnmark}$}##1}% \if@twocolumn \ifnum \col@number=\@ne \@maketitle \else \twocolumn[\@maketitle]% \fi \else \global\@topnum\z@ % Prevents figures from going at top of page. \@maketitle \fi \thispagestyle{plain}\@thanks \endgroup \setcounter{footnote}{0}% \let\thanks\relax \let\maketitle\relax\let\@maketitle\relax \gdef\@thanks{}\gdef\@author{}\gdef\@title{}} \def\@maketitle{% % First, do the stuff for the production option. Use the existence of % the issueinfo.tex file as the flag for production rather than % civilian mode. \IfFileExists{issueinfo}{% \hfill\parbox{3in}{\scriptsize\raggedleft \textbf{Real Analysis Exchange} \linebreak Vol.~\usebox{\volumebox}(\usebox{\issuebox}), \usebox{\yearbox}, pp.~\pageref{firstpage}--\pageref{lastpage}}}{\null} % Add a bit of space between the coordinate information and the % author information. \par\vskip 1em % Put in the author information. \begingroup \def\and{\par\vskip .2em} % Use left justification to inhibit breaking names. \begin{flushleft}% {\@author}\par \end{flushleft} \endgroup \vskip 2em% \begin{center}% {\Large\textbf{\@title}\par} \end{center}% \par \vskip .5em} % Make the section titling a bit smaller. \renewcommand\section{\@startsection {section}{1}{\z@}% {-3.5ex \@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}% {2.3ex \@plus.2ex}% {\reset@font\large\bfseries}} \renewcommand\subsection{\@startsection{subsection}{2}{\z@}% {-3.25ex\@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}% {1.5ex \@plus .2ex}% {\reset@font\normalsize\bfseries}} % % Procedure to set beginning page number. If the macro % \firstpagenumber{nn} appears in the topmatter, that will % set the first page number. Otherwise, it can be called % interactively from \getfirstpage. This is for the production % of the papers in the journal. % \def\getfirstpage{ \newcount\FirstPage \typein[\FirstPage]{First page number: } \ifnum\FirstPage>0 \firstpagenumber{\FirstPage} \else\setcounter{page}{1} \fi} \def\firstpagenumber#1{\global\setcounter{page}{#1} \let\getfirstpage\relax \message{First page set to \the\c@page.}} % Always want author on left and title on right. \pagestyle{myheadings}