Colloquium Announcement
Department of Mathematics
West Virginia University


Thursday, April 15, 1999, at 3:45pm in 315 Armstrong Hall

(Tea and cookies begin at 3:00 in coffee room.)

Professor Guantao T. Chen

Georgia State University

Longest Cycles in 3-connected Planar Graphs

The talk will be suitable for a general audience.

Students are strongly encouraged to participate.


Tutte proved that every 4-connected planar graph contains a Hamilton cycle. Moon and Moser conjectured that every 3-connected planar graph contains a cycle of length at least c*n^{log2/log3}, where c is a constant. Jacson and wormald showed that every 3-connected planar graph contains a cycle of length at least c*n^{0.2}. Gao and Yu improved their result by proving that the length of the longest cycle in a 3- connected planar graph is at least c*n^{0.4}. In a recently joint work with Yu, we proved the conjecture of Moon and Moser is true. Some related problems will be discussed too.

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