Colloquium Announcement
Department of Mathematics
West Virginia University


Thursday, April 16, 1998, at 3:45pm in 324 Armstrong Hall

(Tea and cookies begin at 3:00 in coffee room.)

Professor John Goldwasser


Switches in a Grid and Fibonacci Polynomials
(joint work with G. Trapp and W. Klostermeyer of Comp. Sci.)

This talk is aimed at a general graduate student - faculty audience.

Students are strongly encouraged to participate.


The main purpose of this talk is to show how linear algebra was used to solve a combinatorial problem. The problem led (unexpectedly) to the sequence of Fibonacci polynomials defined over GF(2). A second purpose of the talk is to present some amazing divisibility properties of these poly- nomials which (to our knowledge at least) were not previously known.

We have an m x n rectangular array of switches, each of which can be in the off or on state. We can "push" any vertex, which changes its state, and the state of each of its rectilinear neighbors. We say the pair (m,n) is completely solvable if each initial configuration of off and on vertices in the m x n grid can be brought to the all off state by a sequence of "pushes".

It is easy to show that (m,n) is completely solvable if and only if a certain (mn)x(mn) matrix is nonsingular over GF(2). We have shown that (m,n) is completely solvable if and only if fm+1(x) and fn+1(x+1) are relatively prime, where f0, f1, f2,... is the sequence of Fibonacci polynomials over GF(2) defined by f0 = 0, f1 = 1, fn = xfn-1 + fn-2 for n = 2,3,4,... Among the amazing divisibility properties of these polynomials are the following two, each of which was used to extract information about the m x n grid:

(1) fmn(x) = [fm(x)][fn(xfm(x)] for all m,n

(2) [f2k + 1][f2k - 1] is equal to the square of the product of all irreducible polynomials with degrees dividing k, except x.

If time permits, brief mention will be made of how linear codes can be used to extract further information.

This talk is aimed at a general graduate student - faculty audience.

The information on the future (and past) Colloquia can be also found on web at the address: