Colloquium Announcement
Department of Mathematics
West Virginia University


Thursday, October 23, 1997, at 3:45pm in 324 Armstrong Hall

(Tea and cookies begin at 3:00 in coffee room.)

Professor Tomasz Natkaniec

Gdansk University, Poland

Universal Darboux-like summands for families of functions

The talk will be suitable for a general audience.

Students are strongly encouraged to participate.


For a given family F of Darboux-like functions (i.e., Darboux functions D, almost continuous functions ACF, and extendable functions Ext) we examine the following question:

For which families F of functions from R to R does there exist an F-universal summand, i.e., g:R-->R such that that f+g belongs to F for all f from F?

This question was considered by many authors. The first result in this direction was obtained by H. Fast in 1959: If F is a family of functions and the cardinality of F is less then or equal to continuum, then there exist a D-universal summand for F. The analogous theorem for the class of all almost continuous functions was obtained in 1974 by K. Kellum. Those results were generalized in 1994 by K. Ciesielski and A. Miller and, for extendable functions, in 1995 by K. Ciesielski and I. Reclaw.

Darboux-like universal summands for families of Borel measurable functions were studied by J. Ceder and recently by I. Reclaw and me. We consider also an Ext-universal summands for big "regular" families of functions. In particular, we prove that there are Ext-universal summands for the family of all Lebesgue measurable functions and for the family of all functions with the Baire property.

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