Integer flows and cycle covers of graphs

(1997) ISBN: 0-8247-9790-6

Cun-Quan `C. Q.' Zhang

Publisher: Marcel Dekker, Inc.

270 Madison Ave.

New York, NY 10016

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About Conjecture 1.1.5 (5-Flow Conjecture) on page 4, and Chapter 5.

Martin Kochol recently proved [MK] that
if the 5-flow conjecture is not true, then the determination of whether a bridgeless graph admitting a nowhere-zero 5-flow is an NP-complete problem.

[MK] Martin Kochol, Hypothetical complexity of 5 flow problem, (preprint, 1996).

About Conjecture 1.1.7 (Edge-3-Coloring Conjecture) on page 5, and Chapter 3.

K. Kilakos and B. Shepherd have obtained a partial result to the Edge-3-Coloring Conjecture [KS1996]. They proved that
Let $G$ be a cubic bridgeless graph. If $G$ does not contain $P_{10} - {e}$ (where $e$ is an edge of the Petersen graph $P_{10}$) as a minor, then $G$ edge-3-colorable.
The 4-Color Theorem is applied in their proof.

[KS1996] K. Kilakos and B. Shepherd, Excluding Minors in Cubic Graphs, Combinatorics, Probability and Computing, 5, (1996) p. 57-78.

On page 82, about Theorem 3.9.3 and Conjecture 1.1.7.

It was announced by D. Sanders [ST] at a workshop in May 1997:
Sanders and Thomas have proved that every apex is edge-3-colorable. The proof uses the techniques (computer-assisted proof) employed in the proof of the four-color theorem [RSST 1997].
Now the doublecross is the only remaining case for Conjecture 1.1.7 (see Theorem 3.9.3).

[RSST 1997] N. Robertson, D. Sanders, P. D. Seymour and R. Thomas, The 4-color theorem. JCTB, Vol. 70, No. 1, (1997) p2-44.
[ST] D. Sanders, Edge-3-coloring cubic apex graphs, Abstract of a presentation at the Workshop on Graph Colouring and Applications, May 5-9 1997, Centre de recherches mathematiques, Universite de Montreal, Canada.

On page 91.

The following is a counterexample to Conjecture 3.11.7:
Let G be obtained from the Petersen graph by replacing one vertex by a triangle. There is a 1-factor M using no edge of the triangle, and if you contract M you get the octahedron (planar). Yet G is not 3-edge-colourable. (Pointed out by Paul Seymour 2/13/1997).

On page 107.

Problem 4.6.2 was solved by Abbott and Zhou ([Abbott1991]) for $i : 4 \leq i \leq 11$ and improved by Sanders and Zhao ([Sanders1995}]) for $i : 4 \leq i \leq 9$.

[Abbott 1991] H. L. Abbott and B. Zhou, On small faces in 4-critical planar graphs, Ars Combin. 32, (1991) p. 203-207.
[Sanders 1995] D. P. Sanders and Y. Zhao, A note on the three color problem, 11, Graph and Combinatorics, (1995) p. 91-94.

About 5-flow Conjecture and Theorem 5.1.5 on page 111.

In the paper [SE], the 5-flow conjecture (Conjecture 1.1.5) is proved for all graphs of order at most 43 and all graphs with nonorientable genus at most 5. (This improves Theorem 5.1.5.)

[SE] E. Steffen, Tutte's 5-Flow Conjecture for Graphs of nonorientable Genus 5, J. of Graph Theory 22, 309-319 (1996).

On page 150, Conjecture 6.10.2:

Pointed out by Romeo Rizzi (personal communication with Bill Jackson) that Conjecture 6.10.2 is false. The following is a counterexample: take the Petersen graph and give a 1-factor with weight 2k and all other edges with weight k for any odd k.

Personal communication with B. Jackson, 8/1997

On Page 179 and page 210.

Conjecture 8.1.13 is recently solved by G. Fan [Fan]

[Fan] G. - H. Fan, Proofs of two minimum circuit cover conjectures, JCTB 74 (1998) p.353-367

On page 262

Some recent results in [Kouider 1996] and [Heinrich 1996] are related to Problem 10.7.5.

[Heinrich 1996] K. Heinrich, J.-P. Liu and C. Q. Zhang, Triangle-free circuit decompositions and Petersen-minor, JCTB (to appear)
[Kouider 1996] M. Kouider and G. Sabidussi, Factorizations of $4$-regular graphs and Petersen's Theorem, JCT B 63(1995), 170-184

On page 279

Conjecture 11.6.1 (the unique edge-3-coloring conjecture by Fiorini and Wilson) is solved by T. Fowler and R. Thomas. The following is a part of the abstract of their announcement at a workshop in May 1997.
We give a computer-assisted proof of the conjecture. More precisely, using the techniques employed in the proof of the four-color theorem [RSST 1997] we prove ... that every "internally 6-connected" planar triangulation has at least two (vertex) 4 colorings. ... ...

[RSST 1997] N. Robertson, D. Sanders, P. D. Seymour and R. Thomas, The 4-color theorem. JCTB, Vol. 70, No. 1, (1997) p2-44.
[FT] T. Fowler, Characterizing uniquely 4-colorable planar graphs, Abstract of a presentation at the Workshop on Graph Colouring and Applications, May 5-9 1997, Centre de recherches mathematiques, Universite de Montreal, Canada.

On page 280.

The following result is proved in [Lai 1996] which is related to Conjectures 11.6.6 and 11.6.7:
Let $G$ be a 3-connected cubic graph containing no Petersen-minor. It $G$ admits a Hamilton weight then $G$ contains a triangle.

[Lai 1996] H. J. Lai and C. Q. Zhang, Hamilton weights and Petersen minors, (preprint) (1996).

On page 280, Problem 11.6.10

R. Rizzi constructed a family of 4-connected eulerian graphs that do not have even circuit decompositions [Rizzi].
May we consider the same problem for 5-connected or 5-edge-connected eulerian graphs?

[Rizzi] Romeo Rizzi, On 3-connected graphs without even cycle decompositions. preprint (1999)

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